

I feel really bad today. There’s this weird feeling in my heart that’s making it so heavy that I default to just lying down on my bed or hiding the pain by procrastinating.

I am really behind on all of my deadlines. My mid-semester test starts from this Monday, and I am really behind on the preparation. On Tuesday, I have a meeting with my internship professor whose work I haven’t finished. I was given a month to do the work, but due to procrastination and the work being hard for me, it’s been really hard to get it done.

Originally, I had everything planned two weeks ago. I had set a timeline for getting both the work done and studying for the mid-semester test. Alas, that plan slowly deteriorated. I even made changes to it to supplement the deterioration, but it was all in vain as deadlines over deadlines squashed each other, and I wasn’t able to keep up. Fast forward to one week before the mid-semester test. I didn’t go to college this whole week, with the plan that I’ll finish studying as well as work this week, but I completely wasted the week too. The heavy feeling in my heart grows, and I just want the pain to finish. My life has become miserable.

My life is in absolute chaos and wreckage. I don’t have focus, I don’t have… hold that thought…

I just got an email from the professor that she’ll be canceling the meeting because she will be traveling this week. I have another week to prepare. But, I must give her my progress report so that she can give me some pointers. The meeting is on the 14th, so I should be able to complete the work by then. Damn, I feel so relieved! The huge weight has been lifted from my heart. I actually feel like a normal human being! So cool!

I’ll get started on my work and not let this opportunity down. I’ll keep y’all updated! See ya!


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