
I am back, for the most part. It's been a hell of a long time since I have updated anything. If someone, anyone, was looking at this on a regular basis, then I am sorry. This page will probably one of the few that will survive any changes or cutbacks made on this page. This summer was good. Israel, Egypt, London, the western states, NYC and some other random vistas. It was a good summer and at some point I will give more updates on my summer of fun. I MIGHT even put up some pictures, if you're lucky. We'll see. So school has begun and this is a good thing. I am taking a Java programming class, comm arts 557 (i don't know for sure what it is, but I think it is about American film during the TV era), ILS 205 (which is western political, social and economic thought from the dawn of time til 17th c.), 252 (Contemporary life science), and I think I am taking a blaxploitation film class, if I do indeed get in. We'll see. I am living in an apartment by myself and i love it so far. Life is good for the most part. Okay, I am going to go do some more updating.


After tomorrow I am home free. Yeeeeeeeeeehah! I can ride and rope broncos til the cows come home! So I am going to bomb my ILS final. I am not prepared and I am starting to not care. Oh well. Actually, I don't have much to say really. It is raining here a lot which is cool. That's it.


Work work work...it's finals time boys and girls. Since I wrote last I went home for a couple days. After my last class on Thursday of last week I went home to drop some stuff at my house and for my sister's sweet 16 partay. It was a nice little time at home as I got to see the fam, my best friend will and my friend johanna. A good time was had by all. I returned on Saturday afternoon to begin my studying and preparing for my exams. Over the last few days nothing too exciting has gone done. I took two finals and I have two more to go. I think I am ready to go home and enter summer life. Summer life is good because I can relax for the most part. Well, I am going to keep this brief since I don't feel like writing so much. sabadoo.