This is going to look a lot like those stupid chain letters that ask you
to fill in 800 crazy categories. Here goes.
Updated 09///07///2000
Some General Things
Matthew Benjamin Jacobs
alias: Matty, Matty J, Matty BJ, Fatty J, etc.
old nicknames: Jakebobs, Jaco, Pubic Head (it's
okay to laugh), Mattropolis, and more that I am forgetting right now.
birthdate: April 14th, 1980
Place of Birth: Chicago, IL
Hometown: Riverwoods, IL (just north of Chicago)
Current Residence: Madison, WI
Why: I go to college at UW-Madison
My majors (right now): Communication Arts (Radio,
TV, Film) and English and I recently am thinking about Computer Science
My minor: Integrated Liberal Studies (no one
knows what this means)
What I want to be when I grow up: a teacher (at
some point), an internet entrepenuer, a famous musician (will never happen,
but I can dream), an employee (or boss) at a record company or other company
related to the music industry
My favorite color: Blue
My favorite flavor of ice cream: cookies and
# of parents: 2 (1 male, 1 female)
# of siblings: 1 (1 female who's 15)
do I actually like them: yes, very much so.
Am I joking: No.
Best friend: Will Dannen
How long: 16 years and counting
why: we have fun together no matter what is going
on in our lives and I will stop there or I may be confused for a teenage girl.
Favorite snack food: Nilla Wafers
2nd Favorite Snack Food: Wheat Thins
Obsession: Music in general and Ben Folds Five
What is lacking in my life: a girl and many more
Religion: Jewish, but not really practicing
why: a number of reasons, but mostly because
and I don't believe in worship in the conventional sense and I don't need
religion enough in my life right now to work around this issue. But this summer
I went to Israel and have become more curious about my religion. I don't know
if I will do anything about it, but I am now MORE curious.
Favorite place in the world: The Tea House in
Lake Louise, BC, Canada
Favorite thing to do: be silly with anyone
2nd favorite: buy, listen to and collect CDs
3rd favorite: learn, not necessarily going to
school learn, but actually LEARN.
4th favorite: play on my computer
Childhood Obsession and a current hobby: Video
Games (I have had a video game in my life since I was 3)
Job: none currently but I am trying to get one
at the local video store, Four Star.
Current Activities: member of the music committee
I was directing last year, member of Hoofers Outing Club (I rock climb, camp,
hike and play Ultimate through them), taking guitar lessons starting at the
end of the month.
Word I use often for no particular reason: applesauce
ToMAYto or ToMAHto: ToMAYto
Music Related Items
Top Favorite Bands:
Guster, Ben Folds Five, Five For Fighting, Jump Little Children and
A ton of others (in no particular order):
Fleming and John, Mike Errico, Owsley, Self, Thin Lizard Dawn, Fountains of
Wayne, Beck, A Tribe Called Quest, Dan Bern, the Roots, Jon Spencer Blues
Explosion, The Delta 72, ani difranco, beastie boys, belle and sebastian,
ben lee, blind melon, bicycle, wilco, cake, counting crows, donald byrd, the
eels, elliot smith, farmer, g love and special sauce, gomez, get up kids,
harvey danger, indigo girls, jamiriquai, john coltrane, joni mitchell, jude,
lynnfield pioneers, maceo parker, macha, miles davis, moxy fruvous, p.j. olsson,
plum, presidents of the usa, rem, rich creamy paint, richard buckner, seal,
soul coughing, spinanes, stone temple pilots, they might be giants, tom waits,
tortoise, uncle tupolo, van morrison, vertical horizon.
# of cds I have: close
to 600 (yes I am sick)
Concerts I have been to (more than others): Ben
Folds Five (8), Guster (8), Mike Errico (4), Dave Matthews Band (4, and not
that proud), Pushstars (2, soon to be 4 or so), Owsley (2), and I think that's
Concerts I have been to (that are pretty damn cool):
Grateful Dead in '94, Michael Jackson in '88 during the "Bad" Tour,
Woodstock '99, REM in '96, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (great show), The Delta
72 (ask me about this one, I have a good story), and others (again).
# of concerts I have been to: coming close to
200, I think, but I am going to have to count again.
coolest thing I got at a concert: Darren Jesse's
(of Ben Folds Five) tympani drum head signed by the three members of BFF.
band I least enjoy live (that I have seen): Train.
bands I would have loved to have seen live: Blind
Melon, Presidents of the U.S.A., the Doors, the Who (during their hayday)
band I would most like to chill with: The Pushstars
My Politics
Who am I voting for?:
Gore. He appears to be a good man and I like his plan for the economy and
the budget surplus. I also can't stand George W. since he is just a pretty
boy and I also love that Gore selected a Jewish running mate. I feel as though
it is important for me to support the Jewish community.
Democrat or Republican:
Is there a difference?
Then where do I stand?: To be honest, I'm not
sure, but I know what would influence my vote.
What would imfluence my vote: gun control, drug
and alcohol laws, civil rights issues, health care issues, earnestness of
the candidate, and a bunch of other stuff.
What I can't stand about elections: how you don't
learn who would be the best in office, you learn who visits the most AIDS
testing centers, who holds the most babies, who is "a down to earth guy,"
and who knows how to make love to the camera. No, I am not cynical about politicians,
in case you were going to ask.
How do I feel about guns:
they should be banned, no questions asked. Okay, so people kill people, but
without guns people would not kill people nearly as much. What purpose does
a gun have aside from to injure somebody else?
How do I feel about alcohol and drugs: I don't
use them. I think alcohol is the worst drug of them all. It ruins more families
and relationships and lives than any other drug. I am not militant about this,
but I definitely am not a fan of drinking and smoking. Alcoholism and alcohol
use in general is so rampant in this country and it doesn't need to come to
a halt, but it needs to be pushed down seriously.
How do I feel about abortion: pro-choice, but I think I would personally
have trouble giving up a child I helped create. Then again, I have never been
in the position to decide.
How do I feel about homophobia: I'm all for it!
aha, just kidding. I think it bothers me very much. I think people, kids especially,
don't think about what they are saying when they call something or someone
"gay." The phrase, "that's so gay" really offends me.
How do I feel about gay marriages: 100% for them.
I don't think there is any good reason why this shouldn't be allowed.
How do I feel about gay couples adopting children:
I think that it should be no different than any other couple. Not every couple
is prepared or right for this, but I think that gay couples should not be
exempt from this.
So basically I like everyone: more or less. The
only people I don't like are those who choose to be ignorant.
What is my philosophy on life: 2 things: 1. The
golden rule, do unto others as you want to be done unto you. 2. If you want
to be happy, be. You are only upset by something if you want to be. I am not
saying you shouldn't be sad or angry or anything, I am just saying you can
choose to feel the way you do. You do not have to be upset because someone
is wearing "your" sweater.
If you agree or don't agree with anything I've said, let
me know.
Now for the pictorial section of my life...
this is me and my family's dog, Cleo (I am the one in the sweater)
This is my mom, my dad, and wierd al yankovic on the night of my senior prom.
(yes, my hair was once this long, and I liked it very much)
this very long picture is of my best friend will playing guitar.
will completes me.
(haha, just kidding, but he is a damn cool person and my bestest friend)
this here is a picture of all my bestest buddies.
we are just getting to woodstock '99 (that's why we're clean)
this is all of my bestest high school buddies.
max, johanna, ed, me, dan
liz, justin, jena, debbie, will
That is what you get as far as a pictorial right now...more to come (as I find and scan pictures)