============================================================== Guild: GaiaMC Channel: general / bot-spam ============================================================== [28-Jun-20 12:45 PM] Dilloney#1387 Lol! [28-Jun-20 12:55 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 I shouldn't of introduced people to how the n word not works [28-Jun-20 12:56 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?cat [28-Jun-20 12:56 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/9ph.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/9ph.jpg [28-Jun-20 01:04 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?corona [28-Jun-20 01:04 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} COVID-19 Statistics for Global Cases 10,118,952 Deaths 501,960 (4.96%) Recovered 5,487,442 (54.23%) Active 4,129,550 (40.81%) Critical 57,867 (0.57%) Cases Today 43,837 Deaths Today 1,336 Cases per million 1,298 Help Stop Coronavirus [Advice for Public](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/239446877953720321/691020838379716698/unknown.png [28-Jun-20 01:05 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 10mil cases [28-Jun-20 01:12 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 whoa....how is it 10 million cases,,...theres only 7 million peopleon planet...earth,.. [28-Jun-20 03:31 PM] BananaMan#7002 @N-Word Counter top [28-Jun-20 03:31 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **2.** @Unknown - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **3.** @Unknown - __252,899 times__ (104,483 with hard-R) **4.** @Unknown - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **5.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __88,999 times__ (88,876 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,671 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [28-Jun-20 03:32 PM] Right#1234 @N-Word Counter top [28-Jun-20 03:32 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **2.** @Unknown - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **3.** @Unknown - __252,899 times__ (104,483 with hard-R) **4.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **5.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __88,999 times__ (88,876 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,671 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [28-Jun-20 04:20 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 @N-Word Counter count [28-Jun-20 04:20 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @DoctorGamer has said the N-word **382,422 times**, __359,855 of which had a hard-R__ [28-Jun-20 06:30 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?cat [28-Jun-20 06:30 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b9e.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b9e.jpg [28-Jun-20 06:48 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [28-Jun-20 06:48 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/c6s.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/c6s.jpg [28-Jun-20 06:49 PM] lordburgerr#4158 ?cat [28-Jun-20 06:49 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTg2Mzk0Mg.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTg2Mzk0Mg.jpg [28-Jun-20 07:08 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [28-Jun-20 07:08 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTUwNjE4MQ.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTUwNjE4MQ.jpg [28-Jun-20 07:08 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 AWWWW [28-Jun-20 07:15 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [28-Jun-20 07:15 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/havanese/00100trPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20191030212452971_COVER.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/havanese/00100trPORTRAIT_00100_BURST20191030212452971_COVER.jpg [28-Jun-20 08:56 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [28-Jun-20 08:56 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-australian/n02096294_1597.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-australian/n02096294_1597.jpg [28-Jun-20 08:58 PM] lordburgerr#4158 ?bird [29-Jun-20 12:24 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter help [29-Jun-20 12:24 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [29-Jun-20 12:24 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter help [29-Jun-20 12:24 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} N-Word Counter: Help Command I keep track of every time a user says the N-word, hard R or not. I'm a pretty simple bot to use. My prefix is an @mention, meaning you'll have to put @N-Word Counter before every command. If you have problems or suggestions, you can join my [support server](https://discord.gg/khGGxxj). Here's a short list of my commands: about Some basic info about me count Get the number of times a user has said the N-Word Format like this: `count <@mention user>` If you don't mention a user, I'll get your N-word count help This help command! invite Sends an invite link so you can invite me to your own server stats View my statistics top See the leaderboard of the top N-word users of this server. Do `top global` to see the top users across all servers Note: If a user said N-words on another server that I'm also on, those will be taken into account ​ :icon: Also check out [MAT's Bot](https://top.gg/bot/459559711210078209), a multi-purpose bot made by the same person who created me ​ πŸ‘ Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! Note: I don't count N-words said in the past before I joined this server {Reactions} πŸ˜‚ [29-Jun-20 12:28 AM] Right#1234 N word counter died fast ngl [29-Jun-20 12:30 AM] brendan#0454 Nah [29-Jun-20 12:30 AM] brendan#0454 I will be # [29-Jun-20 12:30 AM] brendan#0454 1 [29-Jun-20 12:43 AM] Mark#7206 ?cat and dog [29-Jun-20 12:43 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/bo8.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/bo8.jpg [29-Jun-20 04:01 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:01 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __434,834 times__ (183,458 with hard-R) **2.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **3.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **4.** @Unknown - __132,359 times__ (132,086 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 06:54 AM] Jaxblegit#8672 Who tf is brendan [29-Jun-20 07:02 AM] lordburgerr#4158 idk but he has donator rank [29-Jun-20 07:02 AM] lordburgerr#4158 brambino [29-Jun-20 01:56 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter tp [29-Jun-20 01:56 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [29-Jun-20 01:56 PM] sarpi#8781 FUCK [29-Jun-20 01:56 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 01:56 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __434,834 times__ (183,458 with hard-R) **2.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **3.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **4.** @sarpi - __224,167 times__ (223,572 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 @N-Word Counter @Yaphet Kotto [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 You need to do `@N-Word Counter#6989 count ` to get the N-word count of another user. Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my other commands [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Yaphet Kotto has not said the N-word yet. Good for them [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 πŸ™‚ [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 02:09 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __434,834 times__ (183,458 with hard-R) **2.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **3.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **4.** @sarpi - __235,321 times__ (234,687 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 02:19 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 02:19 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Jaxblegit has said the N-word **765 times**, __764 of which had a hard-R__ [29-Jun-20 02:20 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 02:20 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Jaxblegit has said the N-word **765 times**, __764 of which had a hard-R__ [29-Jun-20 04:00 PM] brendan#0454 Someone called me [29-Jun-20 04:01 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 😳😳😳 [29-Jun-20 04:01 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726779627342921791/727192123174289408/image0.jpg [29-Jun-20 04:04 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 04:04 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **315,973 times**, __315,057 of which had a hard-R__. They've said the N-word __42,900 times__ since they were last investigated [29-Jun-20 04:11 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 04:11 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **369,455 times**, __368,352 of which had a hard-R__. They've said the N-word __53,482 times__ since they were last investigated [29-Jun-20 04:11 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:11 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __434,834 times__ (183,458 with hard-R) **2.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **3.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **4.** @sarpi - __369,455 times__ (368,352 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:20 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:20 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __451,939 times__ (190,883 with hard-R) **2.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **3.** @sarpi - __430,945 times__ (429,627 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:24 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:24 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __477,074 times__ (202,098 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __454,111 times__ (452,712 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:30 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:30 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [29-Jun-20 04:30 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:30 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __535,853 times__ (227,613 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __462,977 times__ (461,547 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:33 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:33 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __558,556 times__ (237,468 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __501,301 times__ (499,737 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Unknown - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:35 PM] Hope#0904 !loop [29-Jun-20 04:35 PM] Rythm#3722 πŸ”‚ **Enabled!** [29-Jun-20 04:36 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:36 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __570,685 times__ (242,733 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __539,339 times__ (537,642 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:38 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:38 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __594,943 times__ (253,263 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __577,377 times__ (575,547 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:38 PM] brendan#0454 Sarpi give up [29-Jun-20 04:38 PM] sarpi#8781 never [29-Jun-20 04:38 PM] brendan#0454 Ughhhhh [29-Jun-20 04:41 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:41 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @brendan - __623,555 times__ (265,683 with hard-R) **2.** @sarpi - __622,851 times__ (620,862 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:43 PM] Hope#0904 Oh my god [29-Jun-20 04:43 PM] brendan#0454 Oh no [29-Jun-20 04:44 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:44 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __665,465 times__ (663,327 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __647,502 times__ (276,078 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:44 PM] sarpi#8781 HAHA [29-Jun-20 04:44 PM] sarpi#8781 @brendan [29-Jun-20 04:45 PM] brendan#0454 Don’t worry [29-Jun-20 04:45 PM] brendan#0454 I’ll keep trying [29-Jun-20 04:48 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:48 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __712,941 times__ (710,637 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __671,449 times__ (286,473 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:49 PM] brendan#0454 I call hax [29-Jun-20 04:51 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:51 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __753,267 times__ (750,822 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __691,042 times__ (294,978 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:51 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 04:51 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **754,697 times**, __752,247 of which had a hard-R__. They've said the N-word __291,720 times__ since they were last investigated [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] brendan#0454 @sarpi I think I won despite you being in the lead [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @brendan has said the N-word **696,969 times**, __297,561 of which had a hard-R__ [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] brendan#0454 You will never have this number [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] sarpi#8781 i dont think i care [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] brendan#0454 And I will never say that word again [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:54 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __794,737 times__ (792,147 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,222 times__ (11,370 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] sarpi#8781 imma get a milloion [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] brendan#0454 Alright [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] Hope#0904 I do agree brams the winner [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] brendan#0454 Good luck [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] sarpi#8781 yeah [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] Hope#0904 He got 696969 [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] sarpi#8781 he has the chad number [29-Jun-20 04:55 PM] brendan#0454 It was fun having you as competition [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] brendan#0454 Sarpi were you doing it by hand? [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] brendan#0454 Because you were godspeed [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] sarpi#8781 i did do it by hand [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] brendan#0454 Holy shit [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] brendan#0454 How did you go up so fast then? [29-Jun-20 04:56 PM] sarpi#8781 about 280 per message [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] brendan#0454 Really? I had 311 per message [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] sarpi#8781 thats impossible [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] sarpi#8781 you cant fit more [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] brendan#0454 Because I included a lot of gga and not many gger [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] Hope#0904 Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] Hope#0904 Thats his [29-Jun-20 04:57 PM] sarpi#8781 i had it like taht [29-Jun-20 04:58 PM] sarpi#8781 my message cant fit more characters [29-Jun-20 04:58 PM] brendan#0454 Yeah you should have more a’s [29-Jun-20 04:58 PM] brendan#0454 It gives you more space [29-Jun-20 04:58 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 04:58 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __795,023 times__ (792,432 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __1,001 times__ (1,000 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:00 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 05:00 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **813,327 times**, __810,672 of which had a hard-R__. They've said the N-word __58,630 times__ since they were last investigated [29-Jun-20 05:04 PM] Right#1234 Once someone gets to 1 mil it’s officially done [29-Jun-20 05:07 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:07 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jaxblegit - __3,615 times__ (3,614 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:07 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:07 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jaxblegit - __3,615 times__ (3,614 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:08 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter [29-Jun-20 05:08 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [29-Jun-20 05:08 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:08 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jaxblegit - __6,180 times__ (6,179 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:10 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:10 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jaxblegit - __11,880 times__ (11,879 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:12 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:12 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **9.** @Jaxblegit - __17,580 times__ (17,579 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:15 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:15 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __28,980 times__ (28,979 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:16 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:16 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __29,265 times__ (29,264 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:17 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:17 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __29,835 times__ (29,834 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:17 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:17 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __30,120 times__ (30,119 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:36 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:36 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __32,970 times__ (32,969 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:37 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:37 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __35,820 times__ (35,819 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:39 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 05:39 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __434,708 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Jake Paul Sartre - __2,887 times__ (2,886 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 05:39 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 My next mountain to climb will be tough, I must defeat hope at 114k nigs [29-Jun-20 06:40 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [29-Jun-20 06:40 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **813,327 times**, __810,672 of which had a hard-R__ [29-Jun-20 09:23 PM] BananaMan#7002 @N-Word Counter top [29-Jun-20 09:24 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __476,999 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [29-Jun-20 09:27 PM] lordburgerr#4158 this is stupid [29-Jun-20 09:27 PM] lordburgerr#4158 stop [30-Jun-20 12:32 AM] sarpi#8781 Never [30-Jun-20 12:43 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 12:43 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __476,999 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 02:59 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 02:59 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __476,999 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __813,327 times__ (810,672 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __476,999 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] Glint#0841 I am gay [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter to global [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] brendan#0454 Glint are you proud of me [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top global [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of All Time **1.** antonnn#3750 - __414,784,358 times__ (414,783,880 with hard-R) **2.** TrentTheTrumpCard#3557 - __352,948,217 times__ (352,948,107 with hard-R) **3.** Kind#0666 - __324,213,161 times__ (72,413,699 with hard-R) **4.** Alk#4085 - __322,797,779 times__ (118,622,465 with hard-R) **5.** Y̸͉̏u̸͓̍kΜ΅Μ‡Ν€kΜ΅Ν—Μ›iΜΈΜΏΜ―#7770 - __240,684,226 times__ (95,467,571 with hard-R) **6.** Valenberg#2213 - __227,049,139 times__ (117,317,434 with hard-R) **7.** Epic#4702 - __177,147,387 times__ (1 with hard-R) **8.** Deleted User b0dfa4fb#6574 - __157,914,963 times__ (0 with hard-R) **9.** Jimmy Silverstein#0001 - __140,830,197 times__ (140,830,197 with hard-R) **10.** ranoutofnamesβ„’#7057 - __130,656,354 times__ (130,656,354 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 05:59 AM] Glint#0841 what did you do Brambino [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @brendan has said the N-word **696,969 times**, __297,561 of which had a hard-R__ [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] brendan#0454 That [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] Glint#0841 im extremely proud [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] brendan#0454 Oh good [30-Jun-20 06:00 AM] Glint#0841 this may be the best thing of the server,,,, [30-Jun-20 06:05 AM] brendan#0454 Thank you very very much [30-Jun-20 06:05 AM] brendan#0454 Dad [30-Jun-20 10:42 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 10:42 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __818,475 times__ (815,802 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __476,999 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @Unknown - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 12:10 PM] sarpi#8781 @TheBlueTurtle Blue13TurtleThe [30-Jun-20 12:38 PM] TheBlueTurtle#6969 Lool [30-Jun-20 05:56 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 05:56 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [30-Jun-20 05:56 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 05:56 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __818,475 times__ (815,802 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [30-Jun-20 10:46 PM] HarpyGamingYT#7596 @N-Word Counter top [30-Jun-20 10:46 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of Gay **1.** @sarpi - __818,475 times__ (815,802 with hard-R) **2.** @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) **3.** @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [01-Jul-20 04:14 AM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?corona [01-Jul-20 04:14 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} COVID-19 Statistics for Global Cases 10,586,591 Deaths 513,929 (4.85%) Recovered 5,795,971 (54.75%) Active 4,276,691 (40.40%) Critical 57,788 (0.55%) Cases Today 8,835 Deaths Today 743 Cases per million 1,358 Help Stop Coronavirus [Advice for Public](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/239446877953720321/691020838379716698/unknown.png [01-Jul-20 09:02 AM] Kalu#5484 @lordburgerr [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6kb.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6kb.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b9b.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b9b.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 OMGGGGG [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 SO CUTE [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/l-LrP1VY4.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/l-LrP1VY4.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:38 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 aww fluffy [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTkzNTc2Ng.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTkzNTc2Ng.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 AHAHHAHA [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/70b.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/70b.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 omfg [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 so adorable [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/3p4.gif 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/3p4.gif [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:39 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/yehyXOeid.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/yehyXOeid.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/OmNwBvvUm.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/OmNwBvvUm.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/ziBew-QH2.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/ziBew-QH2.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b7p.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/b7p.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 LOL [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6up.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6up.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/AJxcCRZeO.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/AJxcCRZeO.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ooooh [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/9s2.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/9s2.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:40 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/afn.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/afn.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 bro... [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTUwNDc5Mw.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTUwNDc5Mw.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 floofy [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:41 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/ol.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/ol.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/d6c.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/d6c.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/37k.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/37k.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/gXyHm7ozO.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/gXyHm7ozO.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/bae.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/bae.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:42 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6g6.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6g6.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:43 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:43 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTYyNTY0MA.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/MTYyNTY0MA.jpg [01-Jul-20 11:43 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?cat [01-Jul-20 11:43 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/cmb.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/cmb.jpg [01-Jul-20 10:58 PM] Left#9663 You know what? Everyone on 4chan and 8chan should be on a terror list. Every single incel. I couldn't give a single shit about their "freedom of speech". Harsh? I don't care. I am RAGING that white radicalisation is being ignored and allowed to flourish. Enough. [01-Jul-20 11:04 PM] fred the buddist#3848 ?cock [01-Jul-20 11:04 PM] fred the buddist#3848 :( [02-Jul-20 01:12 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [02-Jul-20 01:12 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **818,475 times**, __815,802 of which had a hard-R__ [02-Jul-20 01:12 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote πŸ‘ Remember to vote! Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! [02-Jul-20 01:14 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [02-Jul-20 01:14 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/alk.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/alk.jpg [02-Jul-20 01:35 AM] Jaxblegit#8672 Is that a chonker!!! [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dog [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-lakeland/n02095570_1088.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-lakeland/n02095570_1088.jpg [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 Woof! [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dog [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/hound-blood/n02088466_8664.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/hound-blood/n02088466_8664.jpg [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dog [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/leonberg/n02111129_5256.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/leonberg/n02111129_5256.jpg [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dog [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 kys [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 @Dyno [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dog [02-Jul-20 01:58 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/labrador/n02099712_2473.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/labrador/n02099712_2473.jpg [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/DYOqsRy9f.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/DYOqsRy9f.jpg [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/bulldog-boston/n02096585_5980.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/bulldog-boston/n02096585_5980.jpg [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [02-Jul-20 03:21 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6P42aYVha.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/6P42aYVha.jpg [02-Jul-20 04:42 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?help [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?country israel [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Country Information - isr Israel Population 8,527,400 Capital City Jerusalem Main currency Israeli new shekel (β‚ͺ) Located in Western Asia Demonym Israeli Native Name Χ™Φ΄Χ©Φ°Χ‚Χ¨ΦΈΧΦ΅Χœ Area 20,770km (12,905.855m) http://www.countryflags.io/IL/flat/64.png via restcountries.eu [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?country qatar [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Country Information - qat Qatar Population 2,587,564 Capital City Doha Main currency Qatari riyal (Ψ±.Ω‚) Located in Western Asia Demonym Qatari Native Name Ω‚Ψ·Ψ± Area 11,586km (7,199.193m) http://www.countryflags.io/QA/flat/64.png via restcountries.eu [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 wait [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 their currency is actually callled Shekels [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 wtf [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] fred the buddist#3848 dumb [02-Jul-20 04:43 AM] fred the buddist#3848 lol [02-Jul-20 04:44 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 I thought that was some Anti-Semite meme about Jews and Money lol [02-Jul-20 04:44 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ofc u did [02-Jul-20 04:44 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?poll do you think this server is trash? yes no maybe [02-Jul-20 04:44 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} :dynoError: You need more than one choice. [02-Jul-20 04:44 AM] fred the buddist#3848 huh [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?norris [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] Dyno#3861 Chuck Norris can do a roundhouse kick faster than the speed of light. This means that if you turn on a light switch, you will be dead before the lightbulb turns on. [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?norris [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] Dyno#3861 Chuck Norris runs on batteries. Specifically, Die Hards. [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 haha [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 idk I’m not really invested in the economy of a state that has literally stolen land and is backed by the US’s imperial ambitions in the Middle East [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?norris [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] Dyno#3861 Chuck Norris? sperm is so badass, he had sex with Nicole Kidman, and 7 months later she prematurely gave birth to a Ford Excursion. [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 shut up pip [02-Jul-20 04:45 AM] fred the buddist#3848 i dont care about your fringe leftist belief [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] fred the buddist#3848 im here to do one and one thing only [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] fred the buddist#3848 use dyno [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?itunes poop [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Poop Song info: [Poop](https://music.apple.com/us/album/poop-live/504006539?i=504006546&uo=4) Artist: [Donald Glover](https://music.apple.com/us/artist/donald-glover/368997207?uo=4) Album: [Weirdo (Live from New York)](https://music.apple.com/us/album/poop-live/504006539?i=504006546&uo=4) https://is1-ssl.mzstatic.com/image/thumb/Music/v4/73/44/b3/7344b320-6318-62d0-f38d-a79354941868/source/100x100bb.jpg Genre: Comedy [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] fred the buddist#3848 lmao [02-Jul-20 04:46 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 LOL [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 fr tho the weirdo comedy show is really funny [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 the Home Depot story at the end is amazing [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 dude fuck celebrities dawg [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 they dumb af [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?norris [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] Dyno#3861 Chuck Norris can compile syntax errors. [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?dadjoke [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] Dyno#3861 How do the trees get on the internet? They log on. [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 fuck you @Dyno [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps [02-Jul-20 04:47 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} **Command:** ?rps **Description:** Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. **Cooldown:** 5 seconds **Usage:** ?rps [choice] **Example:** ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps rockl [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rockl***. I choose ***Paper***. Paper wins! [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 fug [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} **Command:** ?rps **Description:** Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. **Cooldown:** 5 seconds **Usage:** ?rps [choice] **Example:** ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Paper***. I choose ***Scissors***. Scissors win! [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps paper [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 kys [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} **Command:** ?rps **Description:** Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. **Cooldown:** 5 seconds **Usage:** ?rps [choice] **Example:** ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?rps scissors [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Scissors***. I choose ***Scissors***. It's a tie! Please choose another. [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 FUCK YOU [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?norris [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 Chuck Norris can win a game of Trivial Pursuit with one roll of the dice, and without answering a single question... just a nod of the head, and a stroke of the beard. [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] fred the buddist#3848 ?space [02-Jul-20 04:48 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} ISS Info **Location of the ISS now:** 35.1778, 67.3800 **Humans in Space (5):** **ISS** 1. Chris Cassidy 2. Anatoly Ivanishin 3. Ivan Vagner 4. Doug Hurley 5. Bob Behnken http://www.businessforum.com/nasa01.JPEG [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 ?rps Rock [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 HAHAHA FUCK YOU FAGGOT [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 ?rps Rock [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Paper***. Paper wins! [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 bo5 [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 ?rps Paper [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Paper***. I choose ***Paper***. It's a tie! Please choose another. [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Glint#0841 ?rps Rock [02-Jul-20 10:38 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 10:39 AM] Glint#0841 ?rps Scissors [02-Jul-20 10:39 AM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Scissors***. I choose ***Paper***. Scissors win! [02-Jul-20 10:39 AM] Glint#0841 YESSSSSSSSS [02-Jul-20 10:39 AM] Glint#0841 IM SO GOOD [02-Jul-20 10:39 AM] Glint#0841 IM INSANE [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 06:50 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 and people call this hard [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 This shit is fucked [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Dyno#3861 You chose ***Rock***. I choose ***Scissors***. Rock wins! [02-Jul-20 07:26 PM] Hope#0904 ?rps rock [02-Jul-20 09:11 PM] Kalu#5484 ?sneed [02-Jul-20 09:11 PM] Kalu#5484 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726779627342921791/728357220118560879/trollface.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:24 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Rip Kalu 😭😭😭 [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/cotondetulear/100_2013.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/cotondetulear/100_2013.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/keeshond/n02112350_9987.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/keeshond/n02112350_9987.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/papillon/n02086910_4424.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/papillon/n02086910_4424.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-westhighland/n02098286_1261.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-westhighland/n02098286_1261.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/mountain-bernese/n02107683_4649.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/mountain-bernese/n02107683_4649.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Ok challenge time: who will get the better dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 aight [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 U go first [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/mountain-swiss/n02107574_627.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/mountain-swiss/n02107574_627.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/spaniel-welsh/n02102177_2891.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/spaniel-welsh/n02102177_2891.jpg [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 U won [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 yey [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 😭😭😭 [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [02-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/dhole/n02115913_1637.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/dhole/n02115913_1637.jpg [02-Jul-20 10:14 PM] lordburgerr#4158 ?cat [02-Jul-20 10:14 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/74r.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/74r.jpg [02-Jul-20 10:33 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?cat [02-Jul-20 10:33 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/coh.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/coh.jpg [02-Jul-20 10:34 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 @N-Word Counter top [02-Jul-20 10:34 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [02-Jul-20 10:34 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 @N-Word Counter top [02-Jul-20 10:34 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __818,760 times__ (816,087 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,520 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,750 times__ (15,249 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [02-Jul-20 10:35 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 Why does it have medals now [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/spaniel-irish/n02102973_3750.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/spaniel-irish/n02102973_3750.jpg [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/kFemmj2_z.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/kFemmj2_z.jpg [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/appenzeller/n02107908_754.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/appenzeller/n02107908_754.jpg [03-Jul-20 01:25 AM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [03-Jul-20 01:12 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [03-Jul-20 01:12 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/vizsla/n02100583_12358.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/vizsla/n02100583_12358.jpg [04-Jul-20 12:17 PM] Nicolas#1080 ?ass [04-Jul-20 12:18 PM] Nicolas#1080 faggot [04-Jul-20 12:18 PM] Nicolas#1080 ?cat [04-Jul-20 12:18 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/gt.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/gt.jpg [04-Jul-20 12:18 PM] Nicolas#1080 ?car [04-Jul-20 12:18 PM] Nicolas#1080 wtf [04-Jul-20 12:19 PM] Nicolas#1080 ?kitty [04-Jul-20 12:58 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 12:58 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-silky/n02097658_10559.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/terrier-silky/n02097658_10559.jpg [04-Jul-20 12:59 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 12:59 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 12:59 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/chihuahua/n02085620_588.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/chihuahua/n02085620_588.jpg [04-Jul-20 04:54 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [04-Jul-20 04:54 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/-PBcDk6Xj.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/-PBcDk6Xj.jpg [04-Jul-20 04:55 PM] Right#1234 ?helpaniggaout [04-Jul-20 07:25 PM] Mark#7206 ?pants [04-Jul-20 07:25 PM] Mark#7206 ?fish [04-Jul-20 07:25 PM] Mark#7206 ?cat [04-Jul-20 07:25 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/c2o.gif 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/c2o.gif [04-Jul-20 07:25 PM] Mark#7206 ?help [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/deerhound-scottish/n02092002_817.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/deerhound-scottish/n02092002_817.jpg [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/sheepdog-english/n02105641_8760.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/sheepdog-english/n02105641_8760.jpg [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 GIMME A DOG PICTURE YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT GOOD FOR NOTHING WHORE [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 07:34 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/poodle-toy/n02113624_7964.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/poodle-toy/n02113624_7964.jpg [04-Jul-20 07:35 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Awww how cute : ) [04-Jul-20 07:37 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 cats are cooler tho [04-Jul-20 07:54 PM] Cryptic#0965 ^ [04-Jul-20 08:05 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [04-Jul-20 08:05 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/stbernard/n02109525_1575.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/stbernard/n02109525_1575.jpg [04-Jul-20 08:39 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [04-Jul-20 08:39 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/cockapoo/bubbles2.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/cockapoo/bubbles2.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:12 PM] Nicolas#1080 ?cat [05-Jul-20 05:12 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/BjTEe8vY2.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/BjTEe8vY2.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:12 PM] Nicolas#1080 cat masterrace [05-Jul-20 05:12 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ^ [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/clumber/n02101556_4965.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/clumber/n02101556_4965.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Ugly [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/setter-gordon/n02101006_638.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/setter-gordon/n02101006_638.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/wolfhound-irish/n02090721_4309.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/wolfhound-irish/n02090721_4309.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/hound-ibizan/n02091244_1525.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/hound-ibizan/n02091244_1525.jpg [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:13 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 I dont wanna see some ugly bitch [05-Jul-20 05:14 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 I wanna see a dog [05-Jul-20 05:14 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?dog [05-Jul-20 05:14 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/ovcharka-caucasian/IMG_20190822_215037.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/ovcharka-caucasian/IMG_20190822_215037.jpg [05-Jul-20 09:54 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?dog [05-Jul-20 09:54 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/beagle/n02088364_16508.jpg 🐢 Woof! https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/beagle/n02088364_16508.jpg [05-Jul-20 09:56 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?cat [05-Jul-20 09:56 PM] Dyno#3861 Found one! {Embed} https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/a11.jpg 🐱 Meowww.. https://cdn2.thecatapi.com/images/a11.jpg [06-Jul-20 03:39 AM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter top [06-Jul-20 03:39 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __818,761 times__ (816,088 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,522 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,758 times__ (15,253 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [06-Jul-20 03:39 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote πŸ‘ Remember to vote! Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! [06-Jul-20 07:29 PM] sarpi#8781 ?whois [06-Jul-20 07:29 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} sarpi#8781 @sarpi Joined Thu, Jul 2, 2020 10:02 AM Registered Thu, Aug 30, 2018 1:14 AM Roles [1] @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/484591713193558016/b664316be9979d15f3970b2beffd24d0.png?size=128 ID: 484591713193558016 [06-Jul-20 07:30 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Cryptic#0965 @Cryptic Joined Tue, Mar 24, 2020 5:48 PM Registered Mon, Apr 16, 2018 6:23 PM Roles [4] @Junior Mod @Staff @Grandmaster @Linked Key Permissions Kick Members, Ban Members, Manage Channels, Manage Messages, Mention Everyone, Manage Nicknames, Manage Roles, Manage Emojis Acknowledgements Server Moderator https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/435566025233399808/7912c92ed24e4e3b5c5e6d10ff3195f1.png?size=128 ID: 435566025233399808 [06-Jul-20 07:30 PM] Cryptic#0965 ?whois [06-Jul-20 07:30 PM] sarpi#8781 actual first message i sent probably close to the day i joined {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726779627342921791/729781426425168012/unknown.png [06-Jul-20 07:30 PM] sarpi#8781 i rejoined [06-Jul-20 07:32 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 ?whois [06-Jul-20 07:32 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Jaxblegit#8672 @Jaxblegit Joined Fri, Apr 3, 2020 10:43 PM Registered Mon, Dec 24, 2018 1:50 PM Roles [1] @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/526834174762418256/31a02b2120bec4cd03d6142cd3a77b27.png?size=128 ID: 526834174762418256 [06-Jul-20 07:37 PM] BananaMan#7002 ?whois [06-Jul-20 07:37 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} BananaMan#7002 @BananaMan Joined Tue, Mar 24, 2020 11:10 AM Registered Mon, Apr 3, 2017 5:27 PM Roles [2] @Cartographer @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/298569173276164116/9321ec651ac3dea48028b15d26fead31.png?size=128 ID: 298569173276164116 [06-Jul-20 07:38 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 my old discord is from uh [06-Jul-20 07:38 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 August of 2017? [06-Jul-20 07:39 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 ?whois @Yaphet Kotto [06-Jul-20 07:39 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Yaphet Kotto#9784 @Yaphet Kotto Joined Thu, Mar 19, 2020 11:54 PM Registered Mon, Jan 21, 2019 1:45 PM Roles [4] @Staff @Senior Mod @DJ @Linked Key Permissions Kick Members, Ban Members, Manage Channels, Manage Messages, Mention Everyone, Manage Nicknames, Manage Emojis Acknowledgements Server Moderator https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/536979771179925506/ab340680680d040be302a40d2dd3c6a2.png?size=128 ID: 536979771179925506 [06-Jul-20 07:39 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 August 18th, 2017 is when I made my old discord [06-Jul-20 09:56 PM] grain#3952 ?whois @grain [06-Jul-20 09:56 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} grain#3952 @grain Joined Mon, Mar 23, 2020 11:05 PM Registered Thu, Oct 27, 2016 6:23 PM Roles [5] @Staff @Helper @Shill Squad @deleted-role @Linked Key Permissions Kick Members, Manage Messages, Mention Everyone, Manage Nicknames Acknowledgements Server Moderator https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/241325938757861387/fa753b6eb23b9ef333b3d5ff54344780.png?size=128 ID: 241325938757861387 [06-Jul-20 10:05 PM] Right#1234 ?whois @Right [06-Jul-20 10:05 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Right#1234 @Right Joined Sat, Mar 21, 2020 6:43 AM Registered Thu, Aug 24, 2017 5:07 AM Roles [7] @Junior Mod @Staff @Shill Squad @Nitro Booster @DJ @Expert @Linked Key Permissions Kick Members, Ban Members, Manage Channels, Manage Messages, Mention Everyone, Manage Nicknames, Manage Roles, Manage Emojis Acknowledgements Server Moderator https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/350204425693822976/40aa19741bee81861de6db2122ad41ac.png?size=128 ID: 350204425693822976 [07-Jul-20 12:33 AM] brendan#0454 ?whois @brendan [07-Jul-20 12:33 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} brendan#0454 @brendan Joined Fri, Jun 12, 2020 1:54 PM Registered Mon, Dec 4, 2017 7:13 AM Roles [2] @Donator @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/387214909420601355/f438a07ffc0b2715c2695ee2b303daff.png?size=128 ID: 387214909420601355 [07-Jul-20 12:50 AM] lordburgerr#4158 ?whois @lordburgerr [07-Jul-20 12:50 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} lordburgerr#4158 @lordburgerr Joined Tue, Mar 24, 2020 7:03 PM Registered Mon, Jun 11, 2018 8:38 PM Roles [1] @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/455893691232419840/297a2ad3a41d4dba0749e9235cb70dcb.png?size=128 ID: 455893691232419840 [07-Jul-20 05:50 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 ?whois @Sans Nietzsche [07-Jul-20 05:50 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Sans Nietzsche#1562 @Sans Nietzsche Joined Thu, Jul 2, 2020 3:05 PM Registered Mon, Nov 28, 2016 3:07 PM Roles [0] None https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/252888223439650817/743e04b7860e2d75e658a2a2007c09a7.png?size=128 ID: 252888223439650817 [07-Jul-20 05:51 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 he is noone [07-Jul-20 05:51 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 a nobody [07-Jul-20 05:51 AM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 thats the correct answer, bot... [07-Jul-20 05:51 AM] Hope#0904 Hes a god hater:ludwigU: [07-Jul-20 11:59 AM] grain#3952 cool [07-Jul-20 12:00 PM] grain#3952 god now lacks its orignal purpose in western society lol! [07-Jul-20 12:02 PM] Jake Paul Sartre#1313 epic! [07-Jul-20 12:41 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [07-Jul-20 12:41 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __838,495 times__ (835,753 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,522 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,758 times__ (15,253 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [07-Jul-20 12:46 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter top [07-Jul-20 12:46 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __893,121 times__ (890,188 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,522 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,758 times__ (15,253 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [07-Jul-20 12:46 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [07-Jul-20 12:46 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **893,121 times**, __890,188 of which had a hard-R__ [07-Jul-20 03:13 PM] emeralds#5478 @N-Word Counter count DoctorGamer#0338 [07-Jul-20 03:13 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 User "DoctorGamer#0338" not found [07-Jul-20 03:13 PM] emeralds#5478 fuck [07-Jul-20 03:13 PM] emeralds#5478 @N-Word Counter count DoctorGamer#0448 [07-Jul-20 03:13 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @DoctorGamer has said the N-word **382,422 times**, __359,855 of which had a hard-R__ [07-Jul-20 10:49 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [07-Jul-20 10:49 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **893,121 times**, __890,188 of which had a hard-R__ [07-Jul-20 10:50 PM] sarpi#8781 what deleting messages and a server with well alot 700 000 nwords does not delete the count [07-Jul-20 10:50 PM] sarpi#8781 ok cool [09-Jul-20 09:48 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count @Sans Nietzsche [09-Jul-20 09:48 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Sans Nietzsche has said the N-word **4 times** [09-Jul-20 09:48 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote πŸ‘ Remember to vote! Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! [09-Jul-20 09:48 PM] brendan#0454 Wow @Sans Nietzsche [09-Jul-20 09:48 PM] brendan#0454 Shame [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Sans Nietzsche#1562 do it on [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Sans Nietzsche#1562 jake paul [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count @Jake Paul Sartre [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Jake Paul Sartre has said the N-word **2,888 times**, __2,886 of which had a hard-R__ [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] brendan#0454 How dare you [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] Sans Nietzsche#1562 B) [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count [09-Jul-20 09:49 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @brendan has said the N-word **696,969 times**, __297,561 of which had a hard-R__ [09-Jul-20 09:50 PM] Sans Nietzsche#1562 bro....nicenicenice.. [09-Jul-20 09:55 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 @N-Word Counter count [09-Jul-20 09:55 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @DoctorGamer has said the N-word **382,422 times**, __359,855 of which had a hard-R__ [09-Jul-20 09:55 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 @N-Word Counter top [09-Jul-20 09:55 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __893,121 times__ (890,188 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Jaxblegit - __41,526 times__ (41,519 with hard-R) **8.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **9.** @Unknown - __27,672 times__ (27,671 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __15,758 times__ (15,253 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [09-Jul-20 09:55 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 bro [09-Jul-20 09:57 PM] brendan#0454 Yeah doc you fell hard from 2nd place [09-Jul-20 09:58 PM] Hope#0904 He used to be first [09-Jul-20 09:58 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 wait [09-Jul-20 09:58 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 @brendan you like kanye? [09-Jul-20 09:58 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 bro [09-Jul-20 09:58 PM] brendan#0454 I enjoy Kanye a lot [09-Jul-20 09:59 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 brooooooooooooo [09-Jul-20 09:59 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 @Yaphet Kotto [09-Jul-20 09:59 PM] brendan#0454 Yeah pip and I talk often about Kanye [09-Jul-20 10:04 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 ik [10-Jul-20 12:55 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count @N-Word Counter [10-Jul-20 12:55 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 You crazy? I'd never, ever say the ***nigga***-word [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] thebigsal#7617 @N-Word Counter count [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @thebigsal has not said the N-word yet. Good for them [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] thebigsal#7617 yay [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **893,121 times**, __890,188 of which had a hard-R__ [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] sarpi#8781 YAAAAAY [10-Jul-20 12:57 AM] thebigsal#7617 what the fuck [10-Jul-20 05:31 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Gaming [10-Jul-20 11:38 PM] Dilloney#1387 @Cryptic lol [10-Jul-20 11:39 PM] Cryptic#0965 @Dilloney u insult bad and ur shits r big [10-Jul-20 11:39 PM] Dilloney#1387 False. [10-Jul-20 11:39 PM] Cryptic#0965 true. [11-Jul-20 09:48 PM] SammyTVG#0115 @N-Word Counter count [11-Jul-20 09:48 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @SammyTVG has not said the N-word yet. Good for them [11-Jul-20 09:49 PM] SammyTVG#0115 Feels good :^) [12-Jul-20 12:16 AM] TheSoldier69#4320 @jg on da laptop [12-Jul-20 12:18 AM] TheSoldier69#4320 @jg on da laptop [12-Jul-20 12:18 AM] TheSoldier69#4320 @jg on da laptop [12-Jul-20 12:19 AM] jg on da laptop#1312 ?unmute @sarpi [12-Jul-20 12:19 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} :dynoSuccess: ***sarpi#8781 was unmuted*** [12-Jul-20 12:19 AM] Jaxblegit#8672 Hawt... [12-Jul-20 12:19 AM] sarpi#8781 YES [12-Jul-20 12:19 AM] sarpi#8781 thanks mr. horny man jg [12-Jul-20 12:21 AM] jg on da laptop#1312 ?unmute @sarpi [12-Jul-20 12:21 AM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} :dynoSuccess: ***sarpi#8781 was unmuted*** [12-Jul-20 03:21 AM] Hope#0904 Lmfao [12-Jul-20 04:44 AM] Kalu#5484 @N-Word Counter count [12-Jul-20 04:44 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Kalu has said the N-word **2 times** [12-Jul-20 04:44 AM] Kalu#5484 nigga moment [12-Jul-20 10:50 AM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [12-Jul-20 10:50 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **893,122 times**, __890,189 of which had a hard-R__ [12-Jul-20 10:50 AM] sarpi#8781 @Kalu [12-Jul-20 04:25 PM] jg on da laptop#1312 ?unmute @sarpi [12-Jul-20 04:25 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} :dynoSuccess: ***sarpi#8781 was unmuted*** [12-Jul-20 10:18 PM] sarpi#8781 gaming [13-Jul-20 03:30 AM] Dilloney#1387 nigger [13-Jul-20 03:30 AM] Dilloney#1387 LOL [13-Jul-20 01:27 PM] brendan#0454 @N-Word Counter count @GaiaMC [13-Jul-20 01:27 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 I don't count N-Words said by bots. Can you imagine how hectic that would be? [15-Jul-20 10:52 AM] sarpi#8781 JG lives in mountain view california his IP is [15-Jul-20 01:29 PM] SammyTVG#0115 JG lives in Hoboken NJ his IP is 77.834.1.120 [15-Jul-20 02:09 PM] Right#1234 jg lives under a warehouse in Russia his IP is 76.453.234 [15-Jul-20 02:19 PM] Dangerouspectate#2963 ?whois [15-Jul-20 02:19 PM] Dyno#3861 {Embed} Dangerouspectate#2963 @Dangerouspectate Joined Fri, Mar 20, 2020 9:39 PM Registered Sat, Dec 3, 2016 6:06 PM Roles [3] @DJ @Historian @Linked https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/254745120207798274/c01757470ae68c14f9b8be5ebad8d485.png?size=128 ID: 254745120207798274 [16-Jul-20 08:34 AM] grain#3952 JG lives in Cleveland OH his IP is [19-Jul-20 03:24 AM] sarpi#8781 gaming [19-Jul-20 08:02 PM] Hope#0904 @N-Word Counter top [19-Jul-20 08:02 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of GaiaMC :first_place: @sarpi - __893,123 times__ (890,189 with hard-R) :second_place: @brendan - __696,969 times__ (297,561 with hard-R) :third_place: @BananaMan - __477,001 times__ (0 with hard-R) **4.** @DoctorGamer - __382,422 times__ (359,855 with hard-R) **5.** @Right - __122,453 times__ (56,833 with hard-R) **6.** @Hope - __114,533 times__ (11,505 with hard-R) **7.** @Unknown - __111,290 times__ (110,968 with hard-R) **8.** @Jaxblegit - __41,528 times__ (41,520 with hard-R) **9.** @TheBlueTurtle - __40,714 times__ (1 with hard-R) **10.** @Unknown - __27,680 times__ (27,673 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [19-Jul-20 08:02 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote πŸ‘ Remember to vote! Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! [19-Jul-20 08:02 PM] Hope#0904 @Jaxblegit [19-Jul-20 08:02 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 😳😳😳 [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter help [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} N-Word Counter: Help Command I keep track of every time a user says the N-word, hard R or not. I'm a pretty simple bot to use. My prefix is an @mention, meaning you'll have to put @N-Word Counter before every command. If you have problems or suggestions, you can join my [support server](https://discord.gg/khGGxxj). Here's a short list of my commands: about Some basic info about me count Get the number of times a user has said the N-Word Format like this: `count <@mention user>` If you don't mention a user, I'll get your N-word count help This help command! invite Sends an invite link so you can invite me to your own server stats View my statistics top See the leaderboard of the top N-word users of this server. Do `top global` to see the top users across all servers Note: If a user said N-words on another server that I'm also on, those will be taken into account ​ :icon: Also check out [MAT's Bot](https://top.gg/bot/459559711210078209), a multi-purpose bot made by the same person who created me ​ πŸ‘ Enjoy having me on your server? Consider taking the time to [vote for me here](https://top.gg/bot/620378430000857100/vote). It would be greatly appreciated! Note: I don't count N-words said in the past before I joined this server [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] Nicolas#1080 count @N-Word Counter [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] Nicolas#1080 ree [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter count @Nicolas [20-Jul-20 11:50 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 You need to do `@N-Word Counter#6989 count ` to get the N-word count of another user. Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my other commands [20-Jul-20 11:51 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter count Nicolas#1080 [20-Jul-20 11:51 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 Do `@N-Word Counter#6989 help` for help on my commands [20-Jul-20 11:51 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter count NicoL01733 [20-Jul-20 11:51 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 User "NicoL01733" not found [20-Jul-20 11:52 AM] Nicolas#1080 ima stab u [20-Jul-20 11:52 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter stats [20-Jul-20 11:52 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} N-Word Counter Bot: Statistics User ID: 620378430000857100 Server Count 9,047 servers User Count 421,367 unique users Channel Count 233,603 channels Memory Usage 1762.67 MB Latency/Ping 137.75ms Uptime 9d 7hr 23m 34s since last restart Number of Users Who Have Said the N-Word 72,184 Total N-Words Counted 11,532,337,143 (7,820,257,219 with hard-R) These statistics are accurate as of: [20-Jul-20 11:52 AM] Nicolas#1080 these ain't my stats [20-Jul-20 11:53 AM] Nicolas#1080 @N-Word Counter top global [20-Jul-20 11:53 AM] N-Word Counter#6989 {Embed} Top N-Word Users of All Time :first_place: antonnn#3750 - __626,724,046 times__ (626,723,526 with hard-R) :second_place: ranoutofnames#7057 - __551,176,813 times__ (551,023,563 with hard-R) :third_place: Pandaa#1259 - __533,078,159 times__ (5,816,608 with hard-R) **4.** Jimmy Silverstein#0001 - __473,942,200 times__ (473,942,200 with hard-R) **5.** What#2609 - __432,054,287 times__ (432,054,286 with hard-R) **6.** DETH#0451 - __418,693,872 times__ (418,693,870 with hard-R) **7.** Garrett#8216 - __394,977,409 times__ (394,977,409 with hard-R) **8.** Andersonville Supremacy#9028 - __390,641,777 times__ (1,920,517 with hard-R) **9.** TrentTheTrumpCard#3557 - __352,948,217 times__ (352,948,107 with hard-R) **10.** Kind#0666 - __324,213,167 times__ (72,413,699 with hard-R) These listings are accurate as of: [20-Jul-20 11:53 AM] Nicolas#1080 >600 mil times [20-Jul-20 01:19 PM] Right#1234 the dedication is sad [20-Jul-20 01:19 PM] Right#1234 Unless he had a bot [20-Jul-20 02:14 PM] sarpi#8781 @N-Word Counter count [20-Jul-20 02:14 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @sarpi has said the N-word **893,123 times**, __890,189 of which had a hard-R__ [20-Jul-20 02:14 PM] sarpi#8781 niuwugger [20-Jul-20 02:53 PM] KermitWithAShotgun#1140 @N-Word Counter count [20-Jul-20 02:53 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @KermitWithAShotgun has said the N-word **27,681 times**, __27,673 of which had a hard-R__ [20-Jul-20 03:16 PM] Hope#0904 @N-Word Counter count [20-Jul-20 03:16 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Hope has said the N-word **114,533 times**, __11,505 of which had a hard-R__ [20-Jul-20 03:30 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 @N-Word Counter count @Yaphet Kotto [20-Jul-20 03:30 PM] N-Word Counter#6989 @Yaphet Kotto has not said the N-word yet. Good for them [20-Jul-20 03:30 PM] Yaphet Kotto#1780 πŸ™‚ [20-Jul-20 03:32 PM] Hope#0904 Pathetic [20-Jul-20 03:57 PM] sarpi#8781 {Attachments} https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/726779627342921791/734801064355823646/unknown.png [23-Jul-20 04:41 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 Noooo [23-Jul-20 04:41 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 poo [23-Jul-20 04:41 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 LAST WON [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 poopoo [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 LEFT WON [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] DoctorGamer#0448 pee pee [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Sans Nietzsche#1562 croatflag [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 LEFT WON [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] emeralds#5478 ill leave this open too [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Jaxblegit#8672 LEFT WON [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Chiang Kai Shrek#1978 bro last won [23-Jul-20 04:42 PM] Chiang Kai Shrek#1978 badass ============================================================== Exported 667 message(s) ==============================================================