Keep Grinding

Update Log

12/25: expanded and updated several docs. "Life Is Funny" should be back soon, and I just reported one of its targets to a government agency. Have some happy holidays, because mine will be filled with anxiety!

12/14: added Degenerate Keywords and moved "Signs of a Manchild" to the Help section. A few more mirrors were placed in the Scrapbook. I'm working on a lot of pages, and I hope I can finish most of them by Christmas or New Year's Eve.

12/01: uploaded Signs of a Manchild and a new Micro Rant. I've been gathering information and mirrors for the Scrapbook.

To see what I'm working on at the moment, read the to-do list.

Featured Guide

Good Apps for Android

Surprisingly, some of them don't suck!

Featured Comic


Don't let grifters ruin the new year!

Featured Scrapbook Page

My Favorite Games

The title is self-explanatory.

Featured Rant

The Lolcow Pen
