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Serge K. Keller
Geek Code
Version: 3.12
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Elsewhere on the World Wide Web
- tilde.club/~almaren is a personal project of mine
- Slashdot is a news website. I go as ~citizenkeller there
- MetaFilter is a weblog specialized in cat scans. Search for me as ~citizenk there
twttr is a newfangled sort of SMS service to communicate in small groups, but for the W3.
So new, in fact, that it still lies some 10 years into our future. My username there will be @citizenk
- The World Wide Web Project offers a lot of pointers to other W3 content
To Hell With Bad Browsers is an article written by Jeffrey Zeldman, with some interesting ideas about how to best write Web Pages (I should try them out one day).
It is so groundbreaking that we will have to wait 5 more years or so before being able to read it.
First published online: September 30, 2014. Last updated: 02.10.2014.
Please report suggestions or problems to [email protected].
Thank you, ~ford, you mad, mad man...

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