the sharp / the sweet

The Craft (A 35XP Blue Quest)

You've gotten involved with powers maybe you shouldn't have.

But you can't take it back now, and your world, for better or worse, is full of new and exciting possibility. You have power of your own, now, and there are surely plenty of things that you can think of to use it for. You can fix things. If you can't fix things, after all—wouldn't that mean you've done something a little bad? So it's probably easier to believe in it.

However, a fact of your life is that that nothing comes to you for free. A little power in your hands doesn't change that. You'll have to consider what you're willing to stake, and if it's worth the cost.

Major Goals:

The HG can award you 5 XP towards this quest when you:

[ ] Turn your powers to a cause of bloodthirsty vengeance or desperate need, and pay the cost in something visceral (blood, flesh, love—yours or someone else's, if you can promise it).
[ ] Seek out your wicked mentor for advice on a problem you can't entrust to anyone else.
[ ] Encounter a minor but frustrating setback in your personal life.

You can earn each bonus once, for a total of 15 XP.

Quest Flavor:

1/chapter, you can earn a bonus XP towards this quest when you:

  • Wander through the woods, looking for natural ingredients or remedies.
  • Do urgent business lit only by the light of the moon.
  • Advise someone you care for on their personal troubles.
  • Do a small kindness for someone else, which still isn't enough.
  • Take the best care you can of something or someone you treasure.
  • Pore over dusty tomes or yellowed recipes.
  • Attempt to use your powers in an unfamiliar context or toward a new end.