the sharp / the sweet

Finding Your Place (A 30XP Orange Quest)

There's something out-of-place about you in this small town.

You might be the black sheep of your high school class, or maybe you're something from the woods disguised as a human, or maybe you're getting new weird powers you don't know how to deal with. In a big city, you might be able to hide your odd qualities, or get people to overlook them, but here, everyone knows everyone, and everyone's in everyone else's business.

And furthermore, at least part of you wants to fit in—to be embraced in the way that this town welcomes people who can be what it expects. But that acceptance comes at a cost, and you'll have to decide who you really want to be.

Major Goals:

The HG can award you 5 XP towards this quest when you:

[ ] Secure an invite to an exclusive social event or a date to an anticipated public one.
[ ] Catch someone else in having the same quality you think makes you not belong.
[ ] Disappoint someone looking to relate to you out of shame, fear, or denial.

You can earn each bonus once, for a total of 15 XP.

Quest Flavor:

1/chapter, you can earn a bonus XP towards this quest when you:

  • Watch someone you admire from afar, and dwell on what quality of theirs you wish you had.
  • Get caught in a strange situation or place.
  • Over-explain why something you're doing should be seen as normal.
  • Indulge in a moment of being your true self, when you think you're not being watched.
  • Try something normal or popular that you've never done before.
  • Observe a crowd from high up—from the top of the bleachers, a projection room, the second floor of a house, on a television recording.