the sharp / the sweet

Ritual of the Possession

The haunt has possessed one of you, and your confrontation has come to a head.

Ritual Actions

During the Ritual of the Posession, you may take the following Ritual Actions; you may also choose, but are not required, to claim a black Ritual XP Action at any time.

If you are the possessed:

  • Make demands with the haunt's voice.
  • Reenact a moment of high emotion or trauma from the haunt's existence, as if it is currently happening.
  • Take action on a desire the haunt was unable to fulfill without a body.
  • Confuse another character for the haunt's direly-missed companion or hated nemesis.
  • Break through as yourself for a moment in an outburst of emotion.

If you are one of the remaining hunters:

  • Offer something up in exchange for your fellow's safety.
  • Emote your response to the haunt's actions.
  • Recall a shared moment with the possessed person—either one that was meaningful, or one you regret.
  • Attempt to wake your fellow's psyche with an emotional appeal.
  • Ask a question that isn't quite the one you need to ask.
  • Try to exorcise the haunt, either with conventional methods or ones that make sense to you.

The Ritual of the Possession ends when the sun rises, or the haunt leaves by force or of its own accord.