Written in C, BlueberryOS is a 32-bit OS targeting i386 chips. It it quite basic, but has a
growing source. It can, among other things, produce a BSOD.
Rosemary is a transpiled language I wrote. The transpiler, written in Python, converts
Rosemary to C. It is Turing complete, and can do all the basics such as if statements, loops and
variables. It also has the ability to insert C code into the program, and also to include some selected
C header files, such as math.h
The largest project I have ever worked on, Dispatch was a chatting service. It had two
public forums, as well as several smaller group forums. It has since been retired, after me and the
other devs ceased working on it. Since the free host we were using was pretty basic, the backend (my
department) was in PHP. Needless to say, it didn't look too great! We used to joke that the code was
Made with some of my friends in real life, WarPig (my robot's name) is an Arduino Nano
that follows white lines. It does this by using LEDs and phototransistors to pick up light levels, since
white is reflective, black is not etc. Using a similar method, it can also follow lines.
Again written in Python, Safile is a file sharing server with a simple console. However,
it has a twist! It has the ability to recover from a crash. It does this with so-called 'subservers'
that are fed information my the main server, so in the event of a crash it can pick itself back up, and
only a couple of seconds of latency picked up at the user end.
A collection of smaller projects, mainly written in C with a little python mixed in!
My personal C
stylistic guide, which takes elements from K&R and 1tb, but also adds some other requests
are not purely syntactical.
A text editor, tedit
is similar to Nano and Kilo, and my goal was to have it possess some normal keybindings! It
create, edit and open files, as well syntax highlight Python and C. However, I am open to
as it is quite easy to write a syntax highlighing plugin, needing just a couple of
char **
Coming in at around 100 lines of C99, wsh is a simple shell that is a learning
exercise for
myself, learning about forks. However, it is vaguely functional and can be used. Most
importantly, you
can trigger a command to reach a real shell.
Written in Python, wsvc is a simple version control system. It can stash
changes away, and
grab them later. It turns your file content into hex, so prying eyes will have an extra
step! Though not
nearly as advanced as git, wsvc is a usable program however.
A C library I wrote, xtra was originally intended to be a QOL library with
s, but now has dynamic vectors, dynamic and static matrices and sorting
on builtin