[this path via awesome-website-paths and uses.tech]
- Tele
- Ski: Alpina XCD 120 (new-to-me 2020)
- Binding: Volia 75mm
- Boot:
- Fisher BRX6 - comfy with lots of give (ntm 2020)
- Scarpa T3 - hard plastic, better turns (ntm end of 2023-2024 season via ksl.com)
- Alpine - AT duals as resort ski. ski+binding ntm 2018-02, $330 ebay
- Ski: G3 Baron 170
- Binding: Dynafit FT
- Boot: Scott DRBIT 286mm (ntm end of 2023-2024, ksl.com)
- Road: Specialized Venge - a very very nice gift now used for commuting
- MTB: Specialized stump jumper (Dad garage sale find)
- Hardware
- Peripherals
- Kingston trackball
- Kinesis KB500USB PS/2 (ntm 2021)
- ThinkPad X260, 2 core i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz (c. 2019, $100! ebay 2024-05)
- Ultra Dock 40A2
- Extra large battery
- An AMD PC tower my neighbor put in the trash
Yoga 13 LENOVO_BI_IDEAPAD66 Mocca 2.0 c. 2012 (primary laptop 2014-2024)
- Work
- rescued 4 core i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz in a HP EliteDesk 800 G1 TWR (c. 2014; ntm 2024)
beefy servers; HPC nodes
15 year old intel core duo HP workstation (2012-2024)
- Software
- Linux: Debian at work, Arch at home.
- Xorg, i3, setxkbmap, xcape
- mbsync, notmuch+emacs at work. mu+emacs || mutt at home.
- zim wiki, emacs zim-wiki-mode (work)
- weechat for slack, bitlbee for xmpp + libpurple's Teams plugin (unstable)
- vim more often, emacs when being deliberate
- keepassxc, pass; autokey-gtk
- Languages
- ☆ GNU R - stats and plots
- tidyverse: dplry, tidyr, ggplot2; lubridate, stringr
- ☆ shell - bash for glue code and quick one offs. The REPL I spend the most time in
- ☆ Perl - for oneliner or slightly larger text cleaning
- 🌱 Common Lisp - asperational, small projects
- 🌱 Julia - it's the future of scientific computing?
- Python - for work. pandas+numpy, psychopy, tornado, pydicom
- Matlab - when inhereting code
- Clojure - picked for one work project. interested in babushka and jank
- Android: Pixel 4a
- firefox
- miniflux - web interface to RSS on self hosted on closet server
- termux for script to help solve (cheat) the wordle