~cosarara's feels

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How to join this webring
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24 october 2020

Wohoo I sent a mail to the mailing list using alpine, about the new webring. At first it didn't work, because I was not subscribed, but after I manually joined I re-sent the email. We have our 3rd user now, ~sneak!

Feels: happy.

Also still headache and cough and no covid test result and my left ear feels blocked.

Below here was still Friday night actually, it's just that it was past midnight so legally saturday.

Still coughing like I'm going to die BUT I'm happy because I made a new and improved webring. It uses PHP and needs no javascript from the client. Also, it has next and previous links, which the old webring didn't have (as well as random).

It's just ~deepend and I on it for now, but I hope we'll get more people on board soon.

I wrote the docs in markdown, because writing HTML by hand is fun but embedding HTML in HTML is just pain. Then when it came the time to convert to HTML, I used markdown_py. But then I wasn't happy so I tried pandoc. But the version of pandoc installed didn't parse my (at the time) javascript correctly, so I dropped a static binary with the latest pandoc. And then I didn't like the styles and I spent a while trying to fix that. So in the end it was more work to compile markdown than to write the actual PHP code doing the job. Ah well and when it came the time to share my work they made me realise the whole thing would be better if it was fully server side so that's when I removed the js.