~skk ❦ credits
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Redde Caesari quae sunt Caesaris
- ~ford for starting this whole mess in the first place (well, technically timbl did start it, but you get my meaning)
- ~admoman for giving me the idea of keeping old versions of my Home Page around.
- ~artlung for reminding me about that old HTML Validation icon. I had to hunt down one for HTML 3.2, though, in order to "force" that good, ol' grey background to reapper...
- ~englishm for bringing back memories of how our academic webpages looked like. And for making me notice that cool retro tilde.club badge. The "m" in "englishm" stands for "muse"!
- ~gschueler for his Autolink script: it saved me lots of time on this page, I can tell you!
It would be even nicer if it could pick up ~ names in LI
tags as well, but then... That true gentleman ~gschueler now has updated his script, and it works with LI
as well: much appreciated!
- ~heather for her invaluable Tilde Club twttr list, which I shamelessly ploundered in order to put @ faces on ~ names
- ~kake for her fantastic E-Mail Club: much more so than
and its wall
command (less useful to me due to time one differences), this is a wonderful bootstrap to the "socialization of ~ club"! Oh, and ~kake also had this nice idea about dotfiles.
- ~zarate for that cool retro tilde.club badge - man, does that one bring back memories!
First published online: 3rd of October, 2014.
Last updated: 12th of October, 2014.
Copyright © 1994- Serge K. Keller. All Rights Reserved. Contact:
Thank you, ~ford, you mad, mad man...

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